Course Policies
Academic Integrity
Each student is responsible for knowing and abiding by UCSD’s policies on Integrity of Scholarship and the Jacobs School Student Honor Code. Any student violating UCSD’s Academic Dishonesty or UCSD’s Student Conduct policies will earn an ‘F’ in the course and will be reported to their college Dean for administrative processing. Committing acts that violate Student Conduct policies that result in course disruption are cause for suspension or dismissal from UCSD.
Students are encouraged to talk to each other, to the course staff, or to anyone else about any of the assignments. Assistance must be limited to discussion of the problem and sketching general approaches to a solution. Each student must write out his or her own solutions to written component of homeworks, programming assignments may be completed with a partner. Read the next section for more details on programming assignments .
Policies related to programming assignments
Programming Assignments may be done individually or in pairs
You may select a pair programming partner only from a designated group of students in your section.
You may form a partnership no later than a day after the assignment is released
You may break a partnership no later than three days before an assignment is due
If you break a partnership you will have to work individually on that assignment
No extensions will be given on assignments except in very rare cases involving severe medical illness or other unavoidable emergencies.
Each pair must submit a single copy of the assignment via gradescope
Code that does not compile will receive ZERO points. Make sure your code compiles before turning it in.
Regrades for programming assignments should be requested by filling the regrade request form (Check Piazza for the link to the form and detailed instructions).
All regrade requests should be made no later than three days after grades are released.
OSD Accommodations
UCSD provides accommodations to students with disabilities and special needs. If you are a OSD student, please contact me at the earliest to make necessary arrangements for exams
Late Policy
Assignments will NOT be accepted after the due date: no exceptions! Makeup exams may be granted in case of medical emergencies. Please approach the instructor only if you are able to obtain a physician’s note that is appropriately dated and has the contact of your doctor.
Your final grade for the course will be based on the following components:
- 2% Class Participation
- 10% Reading Quizzes
- 28% Labs
- 15% Midterm 1
- 15% Midterm 2
- 30% Final exam
You may miss up to two classes without penalty (lowest two participation scores) will be dropped.
Grading will be based on the standard scale. To pass you must additionally score at least 50% in the programming assignments and appear for the final.