lab00 : lab00

num ready? description assigned due
lab00 true lab00 Mon 09/26 09:30AM Fri 09/30 11:59PM


This lab consists of a checklist that must be completed before you can attempt subsequent assignments. All parts of this lab must be done individually. The lab constitutes 2% of your total grade.

Sign the Academic Integrity Form

Understand what constitutes an Academic Integrity (AI) violation by reading and electronically signing the Academic Integrity Form for CSE 30

Register your iclicker

Register your iclicker on the iclicker website. Store a screen shot of your successful registration with a date to be submitted with lab-1.

Set up your github account and environment

Understand the guidelines for pair programming

Set up a raspberry pi emulation environment

Even if you plan to use the actual hardware, you must have a working setup to emulate the Raspberry Pi. This will serve as backup in case something goes wrong with your hardware or an unfortunate breakup takes place between you and your partner!

You can either setup your own laptop OR run everything on the cloud. Choose one the tutorials below to set up an emulation environment on your laptop. Note: If you have tried either of the first two options with little success, try the third one which allows you to run the emulator on the ieng6 machines.

Complete the response form for this lab to get credit

Link to the form is available here

Note that other than the question regarding whether you will be working with a partner or not, you must respond positively to all other multiple choice questions to get full credit on this lab. Seek help during this week’s lab hours if you are unable to complete any part of the lab.